III. International Congress of the Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, Malatya, Türkiye

Dear Colleagues…
The "3rd Congress of "International Agriculture - Food Science and Technology Journal (TURJAF) " has been held in Malatya/Turkey on 13-16 September 2023, with the participation of scientists working in agriculture and related sciences, with the aim of sharing scientific developments, proposing scientific solutions to international problems, increasing cooperation and creating scientific outputs that will benefit humanity by using international resources economically.
168 papers from 20 countries were presented to our congress. 88 of these papers came from foreign countries and 80 came from Türkiye. The countries of the participants who sent papers to the congress and the number of incoming articles are as follows; Afghanistan (1), Algeria (2), Bangladesh (6), Chad (1), Côte d'Ivoire (2), Ghana (5), Indonesia (2), Iraq (1), Kenya (2), Nepal (3), Nigeria (22), Pakistan (24), Philippines (1), Poland (1), Rwanda (6), Somali (1), Spain (1), Sri Lanka (6), Sudan (1) and Turkey (80). The rate of international papers is56% (more than one paper by the same author was received as one; (100*82/(82+65))= 56%).
At the congress; participants discussed such topics as animal production, crop production, aquaculture, food science and technologies, agricultural technologies, soil science, sustainable agricultural systems, agricultural economics, genetics, biology, agricultural ecology, landscape architecture and agricultural environment issues related to original, advanced technology on agriculture and natural life.
During the organization and congress phase of the congress; Dr. Burak Şen, Dr. Emre Aksoy, Dr. Mustafa Duman, Dr. Kadir Erensoy, Ahmet Akyol, Furkan Baş, Ali Kaan Yetik, Brian Tainika and Muhammet Talha İnce took on important duties in the congress secretariat.
We would like to express our gratitude to all our stakeholders who supported the successful realization of our congress and all the scientists who participated and supported us with their papers.
Kind regards