Microbial Fertilizers and Usage Areas


  • Mahmut Baran Bilecik Şeyh Edepali Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü Tarla Bitkileri
  • Özge Doğanay Erbaş Köse Bilecik Sheikh Edebali University, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, Department of Field Crops, Bilecik


: Mikrobiyal gübre, bakteri, bitki, verim


In crop production, many agronomic practices with chemical contents that will increase the yield per unit area and product quality are used. In this respect, soil pollution and heavy metal accumulation increase as a result of excessive use of chemical fertilizers, which are among the most effective practices. In recent years, different microorganisms have been used to promote the growth of plants, to increase their tolerance to diseases and pests, to support their tolerance to salt, drought, and frost stresses, and to make plant nutrients useful in the form that are not used by plants in the soil. Thus, it is aimed to prevent environmental pollution by using less chemical fertilizers and to enhance yield and quality in crop production. These products, called microbial fertilizers, have positive effects on different plant species as a result of various studies. For these reasons, microbial fertilizers should be extensively used for different purposes and their use will be widespread in the coming years.



How to Cite

Baran, M., & Erbaş Köse, Özge D. (2023). Microbial Fertilizers and Usage Areas. III. International Congress of the Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, Malatya, Türkiye, 155–160. from http://turjaf.org/index.php/TURSTEP/article/view/98