Examination of Kreuzberg Protective City Renovation Principles Specially of Tepebağ-Kayalıbag



Renewing and reuiting the parts of the cities that have become the collapsed areas with the city; Urban renewal is a term that is frequently used today. The collapsed areas need to be physically and socially renewed and revitalized. The main purpose of urban renewal studies; it is the reitegration should be realized not only phsically and economically, but also socially and culturally.

 Kreuzberg Region in Germany, II.İt sufferd great damage during the World War II and over time became a collapsed zone. The “Protective City Renewal” method, which has been implemented in the region since 1961; it has an important place in urban renewal studies with its 12 basic principles.

Urban renewal works in the Tepebağ-Kayalıbağ neighborhoods, which constitute the historical city center in Adana, are at the very beginning of the process. A few projects have been carried out within the scope of street rehabilitation works in the area, but these are considered to be insufficient.

 The aim of this study; it is the evaluation “Protective City Renewal” method and an experiment on how the 12 principles of this method can be applied to the Tepebağ-Kayalıbağ section, which is an important historical texture that needs to be preserved in Adana.




How to Cite

Büyüköztürk, E., & Oral, M. (2023). Examination of Kreuzberg Protective City Renovation Principles Specially of Tepebağ-Kayalıbag. III. International Congress of the Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, Malatya, Türkiye, 125–125. from http://turjaf.org/index.php/TURSTEP/article/view/84